Hi Jan,

Please check Code for NL slack - I dropped a message there, because Robbert wrote some code I think is nice (but not sure)

Johan Groenen

+31 (0)6 415 18 018

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Op di 30 mei 2023 om 12:45 schreef Jan Ainali via Standard <standard@lists.publiccode.net>:

In our effort to find the best practices in bundling policy and code, we are looking for examples of codebases that are implementing policies and how this is referred to inside their repository.

If you know of any, please reply with a link to the repository and a sentence or two on where to look for the policy connection.

Thank you,
Jan Ainali, Codebase Steward
jan@publiccode.net | +46762122776 | @jan_ainali | @ainali@social.coop
Foundation for Public Code  https://publiccode.net
Standard mailing list -- standard@lists.publiccode.net
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