Goed bezig Felix! Ben geïnteresseerd in de demo, tot binnenkort.

Groet, Bram



Van: Felix Faassen via signalen-discuss <signalen-discuss@lists.publiccode.net>
Verzonden: woensdag 20 januari 2021 14:38
Aan: Signalen general discussions <signalen-discuss@lists.publiccode.net>
CC: Felix Faassen <felix@publiccode.net>
Onderwerp: [Signalen-discuss] CANCELLED: signalen product steering meeting Thursday 21st Jan


Hi Everyone,


As we had a steering call last week I would like to cancel this meeting and pick up our normal monthly rhythm in february


Jacco and I are busy setting up a documentation repo with a nice documentation system which allows everyone to add documentation without Github knowledge. I will demo it in our upcoming product steering meeting.


Kind regards,





Felix Faassen, Codebase steward
Foundation for Public Code | https://publiccode.net
github.com/publiccodenet | github.com/felixfaassen

felix@publiccode.net | +31 624633278 

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