Good evening everyone,

Felix and I are working on a new iteration of the OpenZaak website with a more mature UX. In order to achieve this goal we are planning to use the [Signalen website]( as an inspiration.

Besides its features, the core of the Signalen website is its vibrant community. Likewise, OpenZaak isn't far behind and can boast its community too, composed of vendors, municipalities, project managers, developers...

That's why we need your help with some of our following actions:

1. We are going to create a **video** documentary like [this one]( with short inputs from the OpenZaak community. Please, let me know when a short **interview would work best for you**! Also, if you have some footage that we could use in between interviews (people in streets, an event, a construction work, a road, etc.).
2. There's going to be a "**community banner**" in the main page with the logos of the community. Please, send me your organization's logo in vector format.
3. OpenZaak **integrations**. We'd like to highlight some of the top features of OpenZaak and we think one attractive factor for replicators would be a list of existing integrations with OpenZaak that are already out there: Alfresco, Contezza DMS, etc. Can you think of any more?

You can send me your questions and hopefully answers to:

Alba Roza | Codebase Steward for Communities | @alba_roza
Foundation for Public Code |