Dear all,

As discussed in our product steering meeting this week. I opted to propose to manage our feature requests and product backlog in the open on Github. Next product steering meeting I will provide a small demo on how this could work and discuss how to move further.

As for now I've created the following so existing feature requests can be added.

How does this work:

We now have a new issue only repository on Github which you can find here: .It includes a start of a README which we can use to document our process as we go along.

To create a feature request (make sure you have a Github account) you can go here:

This will open a new issue using a feature request template which is also used in the Signalen project. We can change this template as much as we like. See screenshot below:
Screenshot from 2020-11-20 16-55-37.png
At the right you can click on "projects" and choose the OpenZaak Product Backlog. This way the you can later add this feature request on the the product backlog board.

After you have filled out the feature request and submitted it you can add it as a card on the product backlog

Go to the product backlog board here: You see the screen below:

Screenshot from 2020-11-20 16-59-14.png

Click "add cards" and at the right you can see your newly created feature request, drag the card the first column.

This way we can collect,store and prioritize our feature requests. As feature requests mature, budget allocated, developers refined it issues can be created by developers linking these features in the appropriate repositories.

I will demo this in the upcoming product steering but feel free to start creating feature requests ;-)

Enjoy the weekend and talk to you soon.

Kind regards,


Felix Faassen, Codebase steward
Foundation for Public Code | | | +31 624633278