We are proud to announce the release of Open Zaak 1.5.0! We have introduced a number of new features, such as rootless container images, generic OpenID Connect integration, performance improvements and a number of bugfixes. Additionally, we have also updated the various deployment toolsets.

BEFORE upgrading, please make sure to read the release notes (https://open-zaak.readthedocs.io/en/stable/development/changelog.html#id1) and detailed upgrade instructions, as 1.5.0 requires some special attention. You can read these here: https://open-zaak.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation/reference/1-5_upgrade.html

Additionally, Open Notificaties 1.2.1 has been released for a while without any spotlight shining on it. The 1.2.x line also has container image best practices applied. The changelog is available on https://open-notificaties.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changelog.html.

Please note that Open Notificaties no longer supports RabbitMQ as celery result backend. This should not be a problem if you deploy using our Ansible collection or Helm charts, but if you're running your own tooling, you have to switch to Redis for this. You can review the Ansible roles or Helm charts as a reference, they have been updated.

We recommend everyone to upgrade to these new versions, if only for the better practices applied in the container images.

As a final note and announced earlier in this mailing list, we also want to point out that you can sign up to the "Release Early Notice List" on https://odoo.publiccode.net/survey/start/086e0627-8bc0-4b65-8aa9-f6872aba89d0.  The Open Zaak technical steering team provides these notifications for some releases because system administrators need time to schedule an update, which can be especially important if a security vulnerability was resolved in the update.